As matter of fact, the food industry is growing and the number of food vendors and processors is also increasing. This has also led to an increase in the number of food recalls. Due to this fact, food safety and quality management is only what consumers are looking for. Food safety professionals have also been facing challenges while trying to bring sanity in the industry by ensuring consumers get quality and safe food materials.
As a way of controlling the entire food supply chain, different regulations have been developing. One of these recent regulations includes the Food safety modernization act or FSMA policy. This policy has given FDA power to recall any product that is deemed to be unsafe for human consumption. It also mandates the body to close or suspend operations from food and beverage manufacturers until they comply with the laid down regulations.
Due to this fact, you need to look for the best Food Safety Software that is FSMA Compliant according to SafetyChain. This is because there are different companies offering Food Safety Compliance Software. Selecting the best Food Safety Software that is FSMA Compliant will help you to establish, monitor and control all food processing programs as well as other benefits. If you want to learn more, click the link.
A. Food Safety Compliance Software benefits.
It will also help your organization attain good manufacturing practices or GMPs as well as sanitization standard operating procedures or SSOPs. It will also assist in the application of HARPC and HACCP principles, hazard identification and risk assessment. FSMA Compliant Food Safety Software will also help in determination and monitoring of critical control points or CCPs.
On the other hand, these SafetyChain food safety software will also support the management to revise, manage and implement HACCP plan as well as keeping and provision of updated information. it will also help in accessing and controlling all food safety plan critical areas. However, in order for all this to be achieved, the software should have the following features.
B. Food Safety Software consideration features.
First, the Food Safety Software used according to Safety Chain should be able to provide real-time data monitoring and retrieval. It should also be automated. Automation ensures that all activities re tracked down and that any task that is missed may be accidentally has been noticed and corrected. Automation works together with CCPs for better accountability and traceability.
A good Food Safety Software should also be able to facilitate performance analysis in order for it to be FSMA Compliant. This involves capturing all data as well as necessary documentation. This plays a vital role in ensuring food item information and details such as expiry dates are correctly captured for corrective actions. It should also be able to provide a room for finished products communication.
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